The wearables are easily the next big thing in consumer technology today. Although, yet to reach its full potential, the wearables market received a big boost last month with the flamboyant entry of Apple Watch.
At the ongoing World Wide Developer’s Conference, the wearable trend will take a giant leap as Apple unveils new frontiers of change with Apple Watch.
Wearables have been fueling conversational fodder between developers and manufacturers since last year, but now these talks have begun to make sense to more consumers than ever before, especially as Apple promises to comes up with stabilizing updates for Apple Watch.
While the rest of the world awaits further updates on Apple’s new game changing gadget, here are 10 of our favorite Apple Watch apps that already make it awesome:
- Slack
Slack is a business app that helps you chat and share documents with fellow employees. This messenger app is changing workplaces worldwide by simplifying users’ work life and aims to achieve much bigger things with Apple Watch.
With business messengers that are limited to mobile devices, extending the service to wearable devices makes sense.
Image Source: SwipesApp
By pairing up with the Watch, Slack allows users to
- Read and reply to most recent direct messages by choosing a preset response or by dictating a comment.
- It will also help users manage unread notifications.
2. Trello
Trello is the to-do list maker for the fast crowd. Trello makes personal management look elegant with cards that act as quick, drag-and-drop able post-it notes.
Having Trello on-board your Apple Watch makes setting tasks and keeping track of daily targets handy.
Image Source:
With the Apple Watch, Trello can:
- Easily add new cards or tasks
- Prompt with notifications about project due dates
- Show recently viewed cards that you looked at on your phone
- Quickly respond to comments from fellow employees working on the same project
3. Evernote
Yes, we’re talking about everyone’s favorite Evernote. The app that pitches itself as a “workspace” for getting things done stores lists, notes and documents and makes real cloud-sharing and real-time collaboration a reality.
Evernote is also probably the only app that has nailed integrating the Apple Watch with iPhone (Check outthis awesome Phil Libin interview to know how). Basically, if you start reading a note on Apple Watch, you can continue reading it on your iPhone seamlessly.
Image Source: GadgetAdda
Simply put, having Evernote in your productivity arsenal means you can now use your Apple Watch to:
- Dictate notes
- Set reminders
- Check tasks off your to-do list
- Benefit from its updated and brilliant search feature
4. HipChat
As the name suggests, HipChat is hip, happening and has grown to have its presence on almost every corporate phone today. Although extremely efficient, this app can end up giving you plenty of notifications throughout the day, even if you’re offline!
Image Source: 9to5Mac
And that’s what the folks at HipChat have worked on for the past few months and have finally produced a truly brilliant Apple Watch app. HipChat’s Apple Watch version simplifies and gamifies the annoying and complex feature of receiving app notifications. Now, when HipChat users receive a message on their Apple Watch, they can choose between 4 quick responses:
- Thumbs up
- Thumbs down
- OK
- “?”
Users can also respond to popup notifications with a voice message. Star Wars much?
5. Cloudmagic
While the sudden growth of productivity apps has changed our approach to personal work management, the real world is still awaiting a good email consolidating app. Enter Cloudmagic that brings back email to its original, productive form. Recognizing Apple Watch as Apple’s most personal device yet is probably the best thing an app can do before it revamps itself for the wearable market. Cloudmagic has done exactly that by integrating the ability to check emails by simply raising your wrist. Fantastic!
Image Source:
Of all the existing mail clients available in the App store today, Cloudmagic brings email to your Apple Watch in the most apt manner. You can now:
- View unread messages
- Get notifications
- Send short replies
- Star important mail items
- Archive/delete mails.
6. Swipes
Swipes is not your usual productivity app. It lets you focus only on a short list of important tasks at a time, while scheduling the rest for later. How’s that possible? This succinct review to know more.
One of the main challenges that app companies are facing currently is efficiently adapting to the wearable market without affecting their current user base. Swipes has quickly taken advantage of its simplicity and made task planning look easier over the small screen of the Apple Watch.
Image Source:
With Apple Watch, Swipes will help users by:
- Quickly adding tasks
- Giving Task notifications
- Scheduling and help completing tasks
- Adding relevant tags wherever necessary
7. Microsoft OneDrive
Along with a much applauded handwriting search update, Microsoft’s OneDrive app updated and integrated itself with Apple Watch last month. The formidable partnership between two industry experts, Apple and Microsoft, makes OneDrive on Apple Watch a strong force to abide by.
Image Source: AmazonAWS
OneDrive on Apple Watch allows users to:
- Swipe through photo albums
- View and delete pictures on the Apple Watch
Every photo on your Windows laptop is now ready to be reviewed on your Apple Watch. This is not make-believe, this is reality.
8. Salesforce1
Finally, the first enterprise app on the list. Salesforce as a company has been known for its dedication towards cloud as a platform. The Salesforce1 mobile app has intuitive features such as a dashboard and custom reports that reveal real time data, and makes the impossible possible – it makes CRM transparent.
Image Source: Ananse
Now by being the first enterprise app to integrate with the Apple Watch, Salesforce has exhibited its strength to remain relevant while reinventing itself. Salesforce1 on the Apple Watch –
- Provides relevant real time data in dashboards, graphs or Handoff, so that users can toggle between their Watch and iPhone
- Has a voice search option that makes it easy for users to view specific information
- Provides notifications to users for updates like goal achievements, deal closings etc.
- Syncs and shares with team members
9. PowerPoint Remote
PowerPoint Remote is the second app by Microsoft on the list, and this time we don’t even have to explain why. PowerPoint was a beautiful piece of innovation that transformed the way users viewed and shared data. But with the birth of Apple’s elegant Keynote, most techies predicted the death of PowerPoint.
Interestingly, Microsoft wins over competition by supporting it. Not only did PowerPoint remain relevant, it also receives an intuitive update that lets Apple Watch enthusiasts remotely manage presentations from their wrists!
Image Source: TechOne3
Apple Watch users can now:
- Navigate between PowerPoint slides
- Note time lapsed during presentations
- Keep track of the total number of slides
10. CommitTo3
CommitTo3 is an advanced collaboration app that makes the best of chat and task management. It lets users create groups of task holders who collectively work towards completing the 3 most important tasks of the day. DO you think you can commit to 3 tasks every day? Apparently that’s what successful people do.
The Watch app lets users:
- Send gentle reminders to team members throughout the day
- Keep an eye on their progress
- Strike off projects as and when they’re completed
- Stay up-to-date with the progress of the group as a whole.
These were top Apple Watch apps to look out for. Wish to add a name to the list? Do let us know in the comments section below.
Want to build an Apple Watch App for your business? VenturePact can help. Speak to our consultants right away!
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