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Innovator Breakthrough Award

Randy RayessRandy Rayess

The VenturePact team is pleased to announce that VenturePact was named the finalist at the Marcum Innovator of the Year awards.

The Marcum Innovator of the Year Awards were formed to honor entrepreneurship and innovation in the Greater Philadelphia marketplace. Marcum Innovator of the Year celebrates those companies that blaze a trail in their fields by constantly seeking new ways to advance their industries.

On October 22, 2014, finalists were honored at an awards ceremony. The team enjoyed a night of inspirational conversations with Philadelphia’s best and brightest.

“It is a great honor to be recognized as an innovator in technology and we hope to continue to innovate and help our customers pursue innovative software projects. I would like to thank our team, customers, partners, friends and family for supporting and helping us.” Randy Rayess, VenturePact Co-Founder

CoFounder at VenturePact Passionate about software, marketplace startups & remote work. Previously at SilverLake Partners, Ampush and Wharton.